September 28, 2011

Budget Week

Sept 26, 2011
posted on Sept28 then edited

Is it just me but does this whole week all seem to be about budgets? First was our class trip to Anonas and its related budget styling activity which I have to say is one of the coolest class activity there is. I mean when can you say again to your parents that your regular class schedule will be replaced with a trip to the ukay-ukay stores? My friends from different colleges are already jealous. But besides that cool factor, the trip to the ukay-ukay stores was a much needed activity because it forced us to apply what we have learned and challenged our styling skills. To sum the Ukay Challenge up, I still have much to practice on.

Second was the Budget CUToure, a night i will never forget. Because it was the night that I felt my legs and hands tremble from exhaustion. I came to help for the show later on that evening and was assigned to put make up onto two models and although my task was not as laborious compared to the others who were probably assigned to more models, the sudden jolt of me doing nothing to doing a lot of things in a quick manner made me tire easily. And the exam and report I did before the activity did contribute the exhaustion also. Despite such a tiring day I still look at it as a fun and fulfilled day because I got to help out on an issue that I believed in a way that I was most capable of doing at that time and got to experience what it was like to be behind the scenes of a fashion show, which a call "chaotic bliss".

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